Strathmore Bel Pre

Meetings & Meeting Minutes

Be heard at our meetings…

Monthly Meetings:

The meetings of the Recreational Association and all its committees are open and all members are invited to attend! Please feel free to contact your Board members with any questions or concerns.

all meetings will be held via teleconference unLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.

Please contact Karen Purdy at or 301-603-9604 by 4pm on the day of the meeting to be added to the participants list.

Prior to 2020, when COVID restrictions were put in place and meetings were moved to teleconference, the board met at the pool pavilion during the summer and at Bel Pre Elementary School during the rest of the year. Until further notice, board meetings will be held as noted below.

The meeting schedule is as follows for 2024:

  • January 4, 2024 (Thursday) – Board meeting via teleconference

    • Adopt Annual Budget

    • Set the annual assessment

  • February 6, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference

  • March 5, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference

  • April 9, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference (Easter is 3/31, MCPS spring break is 3/25 to 4/1)

  • April 13, 2024 (Saturday) – Board meeting at pool with property walk-through (9 am).

  • May 7, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference

  • *May 11, 2024 (Saturday) – Board meeting at pool with property walk-through (9 am)
    *to be confirmed at a later date

  • May 25, 2024 (Saturday) – Memorial Day weekend starts – pool opens.

  • June 4, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting at pool or via teleconference

  • June 18, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting at pool or via teleconference (if needed)

  • July 9, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting at the pool (July 4th is a Thursday)

  • July 23, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference or at pool (if needed)

  • August 13, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting at pool or via teleconference

  • August 23, 2024 (Friday) – Deadline for the Nominating Committee recommendations to the General Membership (60 days prior to the notice of the Annual Meeting)

  • September 2, 2024 (Monday) – Labor Day – last day of pool season

  • September 10, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting at pool or via teleconference

  • September 24, 2024 (Tuesday) – Finance Committee transmits its Annual Budget recommendations to the Board. Long Term Planning Committee submits its annual 5-year plan to the Board. (1 week before items are to be considered by the Board.)

  • October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference

    • Board approves preliminary budget to be submitted to the General Membership with the Annual Meeting notice.

    • Deadline for action on any recommendations from Nominating Committee concerning the nomination and election rules

  • October 7, 2024 (Monday) – deadline for candidates (not nominated by the Nominating Committee) to notify the Secretary that they are running for a seat on the Board (45 days before the Annual Meeting)

  • October 22, 2024 (Tuesday) deadline for Annual Meeting notice to the General Membership (30 days before annual meeting)

  • November 5, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference

  • November 21, 2024 (Thursday) – Annual Meeting via teleconference

    • Election of Trustees

    • Presentation of annual budget

  • December 3, 2024 (Tuesday) – Board meeting via teleconference or location TBD followed by Reconvened Annual Meeting (if needed) or Town Hall meeting

    • Election of officers at Board meeting (must be done within 30 days of the annual meeting)

  • January 7, 2025 (TUESDAY) – Board meeting via teleconference

    • Adoption of budget (or at December Meeting)

    • Set the annual assessment (or at December Meeting)

Committee Meetings

The following committee meetings have also been scheduled :

  • Assessment Assistance Committee

  • Entertainment and Recreation Committee

    • For information on Entertainment and Recreation Committee meetings, contact Chris Swam

  • Emergency Response and Planning Committee

  • Finance Committee

  • Governing Documents Committee

  • Long Term Planning Committee

    • For information on Long Term Planning Committee meetings, contact Karen Purdy at or 301.603.9604

  • Nominating Committee

  • Reserve Study Working Group

    • For information on Reserve Study Working Group meetings, contact Claire Pak at

  • Tennis Courts Committee

  • Elections Committee

The meetings are open and all members are invited to attend! Please feel free to contact your Board members with any questions or concerns

Meeting Minutes

The minutes are recorded by our Secretary at each meeting. If they have not yet been posted below, they may not have been ratified yet by the Board. If you need minutes that are not available below, please contact the BPRA board via our Contact Us page.















  • December , 2011

  • November , 2011 (annual meeting, no minutes)

  • October , 2011

  • September , 2011

  • August , 2011

  • July , 2011

  • June , 2011

  • May , 2011

  • April , 2011

  • March , 2011

  • February , 2011

  • January , 2011


  • December , 2010

  • November , 2010 (annual meeting, no minutes)

  • October , 2010

  • September , 2010

  • August , 2010

  • July , 2010

  • June , 2010

  • May , 2010

  • April , 2010

  • March , 2010

  • February , 2010

  • January , 2010


  • December , 2009

  • November , 2009 (annual meeting, no minutes)

  • October , 2009

  • September , 2009

  • August , 2009

  • July , 2009

  • June , 2009

  • May , 2009

  • April , 2009

  • March , 2009

  • February , 2009

  • January , 2009


  • December , 2008

  • November , 2008 (annual meeting, no minutes)

  • October , 2008

  • September , 2008

  • August , 2008

  • July , 2008

  • June , 2008

  • May , 2008

  • April , 2008

  • March , 2008

  • February , 2008

  • January , 2008